30 Poetry Writing Prompts to Keep You Busy

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Well, 2020 is flexing pretty hard, huh? It has been quite a tumultuous time, indeed. The world is in a state of utter bafflement, undeniably. 

So, what do you do? How do you cope? How do you get through each of these long ass days? 

Create. Write. Read. Dream. Do things that make you feel like you have control of a little something. 

No matter what you decide to pursue, you must find positive ways to cope. Writing poetry is one of the best forms of expression you can do to alleviate anxiety and stress. Plus, you just feel satisfied after writing a poem. Like you just filled a tiny hole inside of you that you didn’t know was there.

So, in all of this splendid isolation, let's at least enjoy April by adding some poetic energy to the mix.

It’s National Poetry Month, after all.

Spring has sprung. The blossoming trees, the growing gardens, and the timely inches of rain followed by sunshine give some hope amid the darkness. However, you may still be experiencing some blues, existential woes, or at the very least, extreme boredom. We hope to alleviate some of this uncertain ennui by offering you an entire month of poetic activity! 

YES! That is right. 

National/Global Poetry Month has been happening every April for several years now. The idea is to write a poem every single day for the entire month. What better time than now, right? 

Here are 30 poetry writing prompts to keep you busy! And, let’s give a big shout-out to poet Erika Lane Enggren for providing more than half of these prompts for us. THANK YOU!

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30 Poetry Writing Prompts

  1. Write a poem titled "Home." 

  2. Write about your morning routine.

  3. Take a walk outside in your neighborhood. Describe the scene (while practicing social distancing). 

  4. Think about a book you love. Write a poem from the perspective of one of its characters. 

  5. What is your favorite color? Write about how it makes you feel using examples of physical things that represent that color. 

  6. Write about the smell of a forest.

  7. Look out the window. Write a haiku about what you see or hear.

  8. Write a poem about patience. 

  9. Choose your favorite poet. Write a poem in their style. 

  10. Time to unplug! Write a "stream of consciousness" poem on a typewriter or in a notebook. 

  11. Write a poem about Mother Nature.

  12. If you're single, write a love letter to a person you will meet in the future after quarantine. If you're with someone, write a love letter to your partner as if you just met. 

  13. Put on some of your favorite music and write whatever comes out.

  14. Write a haiku about whatever you drink today—coffee, tea, spirits, etc. 

  15. Find an old book, magazine, or page and make a "blackout" poem. 

  16. Write about falling asleep and what you experience in the dream world.

  17. Look in the mirror. Describe yourself in colors or shapes.

  18. Imagine you can ride on a cloud anywhere in the world. Where would it be? Describe the experience.

  19. Draw something even if you "can't draw." Include words to go with the drawing.

  20. Write about your favorite season or weather.

  21. Think about a childhood memory that is the most vivid to you. Write using your perspective at that age.

  22. What is your favorite song? Elaborate on how it makes you feel in a poem.

  23. Write what Spring means to you using your favorite plant, flower, or tree as guidance.

  24. Write about the one superpower you would have if you could pick.

  25. Handwrite or type a poem for someone that you cherish. Throw it in an envelope with a stamp and snail-mail it to that person. 

  26. Write to your past, present, and future self.

  27. Write a haiku about your pet. If you don't have one, write about your favorite animal. 

  28. What is your favorite movie or tv show? Write a poem as if you were one of the characters.

  29. Remember making time capsules? Write about what you would include if you were to create one today. 

  30. Is there an era or a decade you wish you were alive for? Write a poem as if you were there. How do you spend your day? What type of clothes do you wear?

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We want to read or hear what you come up with! Be sure to share poems with us on Instagram! Follow us @pspoets and use the tag #pspoetrymonth for a chance to be featured in our stories. Don’t forget to tag #napowrimo to share with the world!

Also, we have extended our open submissions for our next e-book publication, Earth Poems! Feel free to submit any relevant material by May 1st for a chance to be included in our book. Click here for submission guidelines.

Looking for more writing prompts and more ways to celebrate poetry? Check out our blog post from last April for 30 more poetry writing prompts to keep yourself motivated and writing. 

Happy writing!